
domenica 25 settembre 2016

Violet inspiration

CAS Card Violetta 

Questa card l'ho DOVUTA fare!
Sapete quando vi prende quella smania irrefrenabile
Ho lasciato tutto e mi sono seduta.

Mi sono fatta ispirare da un challenge e ho poi dato sfogo alla fantasia.

E' molto semplice ma mi piace molto.

Ecco le foto:

Questo è l'interno che richiama la carta newsprinted della copertina

Spero che vi piaccia.

Con questa card vorrei partecipare ai seguenti Challenge

Alla Prossima
Nunzia... la ispirata...

23 commenti:

  1. Wow! Caspita che bella!!!! Hai fatto benissimo a mollare tutto il resto per farla! Una vera meraviglia!!!! Complimenti!

  2. Meravigliosa, bellissimo abbinamento di colori !!!

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  4. A really great card for our theme this week and such a nice idea carrying the newsprint to the inside as well, many thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  5. A beautiful card, such pretty papers.

  6. That floral patterned paper is beautiful and I love the way you have combined the elements. We would usually ask for a bit more white space at Less is More but you card is very pretty!

    1. Thanks a lot Sarah. Next time I'll leave more white space. ^-^

  7. Gorgeous creation, thanks for joining Allsorts challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. How pretty and delicate! What a shame there's not enough empty space for it to be CAS for our challenge, but it's so gorgeous and such a lovely use of patterns and thread to create a stunning end result. Thanks for sharing anyway at Less is More :)

    1. Thanks a lot Esther for your kindly words. Now I understand how I have to make a CAS for your challenge. see you soon.

  9. Fabulous card and just perfect for our theme.
    Thank you for sharing over at Allsorts, good luck;-))m

  10. So pretty! Thanks for joining us at CAS(E) This Sketch!

  11. I'm sorry for the really late visit Nunzia
    This is so pretty but as some of the others have mentioned...we do need to see areas of white space on your card as we are solely a CAS challenge!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  12. Sono passata e ho DOVUTO lasciare un commento . . . Q U E S T A C A R D E' B E L L I S S I M A ! ! ! !


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