
sabato 1 ottobre 2022

Autunno chic (TCC)

All occasion fall card

Felice primo Ottobre!
Oggi inizia il Challenge autunnale di 

Lo sponsor è 
My Besties

Ho colorato questa bella signorina con i pennarelli ad alcol Nuvo e Spectrum noir mentre lo sfondo è fatto con distress oxide.

Per dare più interesse ho aggiunto alcuni stickers tridimensionali e ho fatto una cornice con diversi ritagli di carta patterned. 

Alla prossima Kisses&Hugs 

Nunzia autunnale 

With this card I would like to enter:


9 commenti:

  1. A lovely Autumnal card, thank you for joining in at the Allsorts challenge this week.

  2. A very sweet Autumnal card, thanks so much for joining us in the garden at Allsorts challenge this week.

    B x

  3. Bella colorazione e mi piace l'uso della carta patterned!

  4. Wonderful fall card! Thank you for joining us at Four Seasons.

  5. A cute autumn card. Thanks for taking part in my Gardeners Delight theme at Allsorts challenge this week. Lynn x

  6. This is so pretty thank you for joining us at Allsorts
    lolo x

  7. A cute, little Bestie card and perfect for the autumn season! Thank you for sharing your project with us at the Crafts Galore Encore “Anything Goes” October Challenge. Good Luck and hope to see you again soon!
    Carole x DT Craftilicious Creations

  8. This is such a cute image and really great card. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful art and creativity with us at The Four Seasons Challenge. I hope you'll stop by again soon.

  9. so cute card
    thx for Joining My Besties Challenge blog
    hugs MiaPuh


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