
martedì 18 maggio 2021

All to the sea with Bella (Polkadoodles Challenge)

All occasion card

For the English text read the blue lines.

Eccoci ad una nuova sfida sul blog Polkadoodles, come sempre dal tema Anything Goes. 

Here we are at the new Challenge at Polkadoodles Craft Blog and, as always, the theme is Anything Goes. 

Questa volta ho colorato questo bel timbro che richiama l'estate e ci ho creato tutto intorno una bella scena al mare, usando uno stencil per dare un po' di texture allo sfondo.

This time I decided to colour this festive digi and create a scene behind it, stenciling some leaves to give more texture to the background. 
Then I feamed all with a Polkadoodles digi frame and glued on a slider mechanism. 

Quando la slider card si apre, mostra il sentiment che augura una super giornata scintillante.

When the slider card is open, the sentiment is shown, to wish a super sparkle day.

This card was made with the following Polkadoodles products:

Alla prossima 
Nunzia balneare

With this card I would like to enter:

4 commenti:

  1. Che carina quest'orsetta! Una slider card molto dolce, colorata benissimo e mi fa venire voglia di spiaggia! ...Conto alla rovescia per le ferie!!! :D
    Grazie per esserti unita al challenge di We Love Chocolate Baroque!

  2. Hi this is a gorgeous easel card. Thank you for joining us at Crafts Galore Encore Challenge Blog for challenge #87 which has the theme Anything Goes. The sponsor is Morgan’s ArtWorld. Hugs Jackie DT xxx

  3. So cute and an unusual fold too. Thank you for taking part in the We Love Chocolate Baroque challenge.


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