
venerdì 4 giugno 2021

Thank you Dad (PD Challenge)

 Father's Card

Oggi è venerdì e inizia un nuovo Challenge su Polkadoodles.
Today is friday and a new Challenge begins at Polkadoodle Challenge Blog.

Come sempre il tema è Anything Goes e si possono vincere dei digi dal loro shop.
As always the theme is Anything Goes and we can win a coupon for their digi shop.

Per i membri del DT ci si aspettava un progetto per la festa del papà, perchè nei paesi anglosassoni cade a Giugno e io l'ho dedicata a mio padre ringraziandolo di tutto quello che ha fatto per me. Purtroppo non è più fra noi ma è sempre nei miei pensieri.
The DTs were asked to dedicate the project to father's day and I would thank mine for all he has done for me. Unfortunately he is not longer here but he is always in my thoughts.

Mi sono divertita molto a colorare questo Orso poltrone e gli ho costruito tutto intorno una stanza confortevole, coi pennarelli ad alcol.
I enjoied too much to colour this Winston Bears Soozy digi by placing him in a confortable room drawn with alcohol markers. 

Further Polkadoodles supplies:
The word "Dad" is made up of letters from Winnie white Christmas Alphabet  
digi paper printed from Superhero littl dudes digi stamp.

Alla Prossima
Nunzia 💗

With this card I would like to enter:

The Male Room Challenge blog Challenge-151-dads and grandads

Love to Scrap Challenge blog ltscb-146-no-rulz-4

Lemon shortbread Challenge blog challenge-147-anything-goes

Happy little Stampers blog hls-june-AG watercolour-challenge

10 commenti:

  1. Ciao Nunzia, quante cose imparo anche se non pratico questa tecnica, come i pennarelli ad alcool!
    Non li conoscevo.
    Bello l'orsetto DAD.

  2. E' tanto tempo che manco, ma ti trovo sempre più brava.
    Ciao Emanuela

  3. Carinissimo, e come sempre ottima colorazione!

  4. Beautiful card, so cozy as the evening res should be! Thanks for playing at The Male Room Challange

  5. Awww . . . this is so adorable!! Such a sweet image and I love how you have colored up the scene! Thanks for playing with LTSCB.

  6. What a beautiful card you made :-)) Perfect stam you use!
    Thanks for playing with us at The Male Room this time!

  7. A super cute card. So pleased you have shared with us at Happy Little Stampers. Caz DT.

  8. How cute Nunzia! This is the sweetest little image!! Certain to bring a smile! Thanks so much for joining us at HLS - Watercolour Challenge this month.

  9. Fantastic an fun masculine card. Thank you for joining us at The Male Room challenge, Goga

  10. A great character and a fun card.

    Thanks for joining us at The Male Room Challenge.

    Helen x


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